Dam Liners
Concrete Tank Lining

Concrete Tank Lining

Concrete tanks frequently leak and deteriorate with age. Old concrete is frequently poor quality and may incorporate river gravel. Over time carbon dioxide permeates the concrete and causes the reinforcement to corrode. The corroding reinforcement expands and causes the overlying concrete cover to spall.

The concrete tank may well still have the strength to resist the hydrostatic pressure to which it is subject but leaks like a sieve. Remedial work is frequently required to the concrete structure to slow the structural deterioration. Much more work is required to restore the watertightness of the tank and slow the leaks and this later work is often fraught with difficulty. The best solution may be to carry out the repair works to slow the structural deterioration and then line he tank with an impermeable liner. The liner is usually hung from a perimeter fixing along the top edge of the tank and is made to measure to fit around the various appurtenances within the tank

If you want a structural assessment of your leaky tank give us a call. We can provide professional assessment of concrete tank lining services and talk with you about the process for fixing the problem.

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